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Free Online Proofreader

Need a quick way to proofread your writing? Hemingway Editor Plus is here to help. It uses AI to fix common grammatical issues and spelling mistakes. But it doesn't stop there. Hemingway Editor Plus also has advanced features to fix wordy sentences, passive voice and more.

Why proofread your writing?

Good spelling and grammar are crucial for any writer. They are the foundation of clear communication. Errors in spelling or grammar can confuse readers and weaken your message. They might even hurt your credibility. A spelling and grammar checker is vital. It catches mistakes that are easy to overlook. By using one, you make sure your writing is polished and professional, helping you communicate more effectively. Clean, mistake-free writing is important for students, business professionals, and creative writers. It helps make a strong impression.

Proofreading made easy with AI

We all know proofreading is one of the most annoying parts of writing. It's a monotonous task that adds extra time to every draft. Plus, after working on your text for hours, it's all too easy to miss an embarrassing mistake. And with so many complex grammatical rules, it's easy for tricky sentences to be confusing to fix.

Hemingway Editor Plus has AI do all the hard work for you, making a troublesome step a breeze. All you have to do is select a section of your text and then click “Rewrite.” Hemingway Editor Plus will fix any spelling and grammar mistakes in seconds. It also rephrases your text to be clear and straightforward.

Make your writing bold and clear

Hemingway Editor Plus tracks the grade level of your entire document and individual sentences. If a sentence is hard to read, it's marked with a yellow highlight. Very complicated sentences are marked in red. This way, you can look at your document and immediately see problem areas. With Hemingway Editor Plus, you can use AI to simplify individual sentences or whole paragraphs in seconds.

Simplify and clarify your writing in seconds.

Save time with instant suggestions to rewrite wordy sentences, weak phrases, and passive voice.

Perfect your grammar.

Our advanced grammar tool goes beyond simple grammar problems to fix even the toughest issues.

Write like you, not a robot.

Hemingway Editor Plus matches your tone and word choice so rewritten sentences sound like you.

Break through writer's block.

Hemingway Editor Plus suggests ways to rephrase your writing you won't have thought of.

Find the perfect style and tone.

Use AI to apply one of our eight styles. For example, make it more confident, formal, or friendly.

Privacy you can trust.

We will never sell your data, let others use it to train an AI, or use it for advertising.

Try Hemingway Editor Plus for free

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