
Get feedback on your writing and polish your prose

Now you can ask Hemingway for detailed feedback on your writing. Plus, quickly fix awkward phrasing with our new Polish tool.

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Illustration of Ernest Hemingway polishing a large piece of metal.

Now you can ask Hemingway for detailed feedback on your writing. Plus, quickly fix awkward phrasing with our new Polish tool.

Document review and feedback

Illustration of Hemingway Editor Plus giving detailed feedback on your writing.

Even the best writers rely on a second pair of eyes to spot mistakes and provide insights about their text. Now, Hemingway can lend a hand. Our new Feedback tool analyzes your writing to find what's working well, and then suggests ways to improve what's not. It goes beyond our editing highlights by examining your tone, word choice, flow, and more. To give it a try, click the Feedback button in the top right corner, next to Write and Edit. Then, click the button to get a new report.

Polish tool

Ever struggle with a sentence that doesn't quite sound right? You might like the words, but the sentence isn't flowing like you want it to. That's where our new Polish tool comes in handy. It helps smooth out the rough spots, making your text clear and easy to follow. It keeps your tone, meaning, and language intact, but makes sure your words flow together well. To give it a try, highlight a sentence or section of text, then click Polish in the floating toolbar.

Try Hemingway Editor Plus

Hemingway Editor Plus fixes common writing issues like wordy sentences, passive voice, and more — with the click of a button.